Quality standards

The steel plate machining industry is traditionally a conservative sector, but we now live in a period in which innovation is key – more so than ever before. Thinking innovatively is a requirement. For years, 247TailorSteel has been successful and profitable, and we strive for innovation and perfection every day. We guarantee the highest quality standards.

ISO 9001:2015


Guarantee of quality and continuity
ISO 9001:2015 stands for quality management. You can expect only the best quality and consistency from us. Company performance is continually measured and used to further optimize our service provision. The ISO 9001 standard is focused on providing premium quality throughout the entire organization. Because we are assessed on these points multiple times per year, we always satisfy the highest standard. View the corresponding certificates:

NEN-EN-ISO 9013:2017 / NEN-EN 1090-1:2009

Declaration of Conformity
247TailorSteel products may be incorporated into assemblies that must comply with the EN 1090 standard. Our customers use these themselves in structures that must be CE Certified. 247TailorSteel is not permitted to issue CE Certificates for load-bearing structures, as we are not EN 1090 certified. To assist our customers, we have prepared a declaration of conformity, in which we state that our cutting process complies with the technical requirements specified in ISO 9013:2017. We carry out annual type tests for the materials Stainless Steel 304, Stainless Steel 316, CRS CR4, HRS14 HR and Aluminium to confirm that our cutting process complies with the standard. The type tests are carried out by a recognised laboratory and are available on request.