
By accessing and using this site, the user acknowledges awareness and understanding of, and agreement with, the following terms and conditions, and consents to be bound by them:

Information on this website

247TailorSteel takes the utmost care to ensure that the data on this website is reliable and up to date. However, the data displayed may be inaccurate or incomplete. 247TailorSteel may not be held liable for any incorrect or inaccurate information provided on or through this website. 247TailorSteel reserves the right to change any of the information on this website.

The information provided on this website is of a general nature and intended to provide information about 247TailorSteel and the activities that the company undertakes.

Website performance

247TailorSteel does not guarantee error-free operation of or uninterrupted access to this website or its services by electronic means. 247TailorSteel is not liable for any damages resulting from offering inaccurate or incomplete information or services, or for damages resulting from or caused by the propagation of information, including malfunctions, interruptions, errors or delays regarding the information provided by 247TailorSteel via this website or through other electronic means.

References and hyperlinks

References or hyperlinks to other websites are for informative purposes for the user only. 247TailorSteel accepts no responsibility for the content of any internet sites to which there are references, hyperlinks or other connections. 247TailorSteel reserves the right to terminate any link or program at any time.

Intellectual property rights

The intellectual property rights for the content of this site rest with 247TailorSteel. The user of this website is not permitted to modify, sell, license, or partially or fully reproduce and/or disclose the contents of this website without the express written consent of 247TailorSteel.


247TailorSteel does not guarantee that the information, software, references or hyperlinks contained on this website are free from viruses or other harmful malware.